
November 2023

FullSteamAhead has been promoted by project leader Petit Philosophy in the Interliber Fair in Zagreb, which is recognized as Croatia’s premier literary event and serves as a distinguished platform celebrating the world of books. A special stand has been designed, promoting the project to almost 120.000 visitors in 6 days!

October 2023

Gender identities are not only formed at school, but also at home. This is why we created a second online environment in which parents, relatives, the family and friends’ cycle of pupils can find suggestions, practices, but also readings, games, movies that are highly inspirational to raise awareness in boys and girls, on how gender is represented and how stereotypes can be debunked! You can check here for more!

September 2023

Our final project meeting took place in Athens, Greece on the 22nd of September 2023. We wrapped up our work during the last two years, fine-tuned our project outputs, and discussed further collaborations at the nexus of STEM and education! The meeting was hosted by project partner Militos Consulting SA.

September 2023

We concluded our pilot testing sessions! 310 pupils and 42 teachers have participated in 4 schools in Croatia, Greece, Italy, and Spain! The participation and positive feedback exceeded our expectations, reassuring us that we are in the right direction, offering to school communities a valuable tool to tackle gender disparities in STEAM! The feedback we collected is encouraging us to consider a continuation of our project – an aspect that is strongly considered among the FullSteamAhead partnership.

April 2023

The FullSteamAhead Handbook for the teachers is available now! It is a valuable companion which offers information on how to use the e-platform, but also suggestions and tips for teachers to infuse specific gender-aspects in their classes and lead interesting discussions on STEAM and gender with their pupils. Check the Handbook here

February 2023

We are officially entering our pilot testing process! We are offering the FullSteamAhead platform to secondary school’s teachers to carry out in-class training. We are involving 4 secondary schools in Croatia, Greece, Italy, and Spain (3 FullSteamAhead partners and 1 associate partner school in Italy) which will test selected material over a period of 3 to 4 months.

January 2023

The FullSteamAhead e-platform for teachers is entering its final stage. 7 topics with 21 in-class activities have been developed and now translated to Croatian, Greek, Italian, and Spanish, hosted in our online environment. Check our platform here

October 2022

The FullSteamAhead partners met in Malaga, Spain, on the 21st of October 2022. The meeting was hosted by project partner IES La Cala, our Spanish school in the project partnership. Main point of discussion was the process of finalization of the training approach and relevant material, to be adapted in an online platform for secondary education teachers.

July 2022

The first phase of the project has come to an end. You can download and read our full report on both the findings in the research countries, as well as how these findings helped us to structure the curriculum of the FullSteamAhead training provision. All in all, we involved in online questionnaires and face-to-face interviews 144 teachers, 53 secondary school students, 15 family members responding, 2 members responding on behalf of the Association of parents at IES la Cala (secondary school in Spain). We analyzed these results and in addition we consulted 11 selected examples of good practices in STEAM education

The Report is in English. Click below to download and read.

May 2022

Hosted by project partner STEPS, the 2nd project meeting took place on the 24th of May in Bologna, Italy. We had the opportunity to have a look at the research findings and start to draw some initial conclusions that will give flesh and bones to our training approach.

February 2022

In order to design the FullSteamAhead training material we launched several research activities in Croatia, Greece, Italy, and Spain. We ask teachers, students, family members, each of them holding a specific role in how STEM subjects are taught, perceived, and approached at school, to share their opinion with us, and help us in our goal to make STEM subjects and eventually future professional careers for both male and female students attractive! We will publish the findings soon, as well as how those findings will lead us to develop the most effective methodology for the planned training material for teachers in secondary schools.